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Rigging Services & Common Repairs

Call to Schedule - 360.568.7703

Rigging Services

Common ServicesPrice (Including Tax)
Reserve inspection and repack $124.62
48-hour Expedited service
Subject to availability- please call to confirm in advance.
Overnight Expedited service
Subject to availability- please call to confirm in advance.
3 ring release maintenance
Must be completed in addition to reserve I&R
Main repack $16.99
AAD install/removal/swap (closed container)
AAD Maintenance (Cypres, Vigil or MARS) Varies
Reline- sport (labor only) $169.94
Reline- lower brake lines (labor AND materials) $70.81
Inspection- main- after cutaway $42.49
Inspection- component (main, reserve OR container) $33.99
Inspection- complete (main, reserve AND container) $84.97
Main/ reserve assembly $42.49
Main/ reserve disassembly $28.32
Replace links (labor only) $28.32
Container wash
Disassemble, wash, dry, reassemble
Patch repair
Shop rate $56.65/hour + materials
Min. $56.65
Stitching repair/ reinforcement Min. $28.32
Grommet/ snap repair (labor only) $28.32
Leg strap bungee $10
Leg strap bungee install (labor only) Min $28.32
Replace BOC
Shop rate $56.65/hour plus materials
Min. $84.97
Replace elastic keepers $5
Replace data card $14.16
For all other repairs. Please call in advance to confirm service availability.
$56.65/hour + materials

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