Today's Tandem Class Status
Status Information:

- Status is posted approximately 2 hours before each class time. Please check back closer to your scheduled class time.
- If your travel time is more than 90 minutes, call 360.568.7703 for status before leaving. **Reminder: Your arrival time is 30 minutes before the class time.

Come On Out!
- Weather is forecasted to be suitable for skydiving.
- **Reminder: Arrive 30 minutes before your class time to complete the waiver and payment.
- Late arrivals may forfeit their deposit and opportunity to skydive.

- Aviation weather forecasts and actual conditions are inconsistent.
- Local weather conditions suggest that skydiving is likely, but not certain for this class time.
- Next Steps:
1. Decide if you want to come on out, get trained, and give it a try (recommended) OR reschedule for a later class time or date, space permitting.
2. Contact us at 360.568.7703 to notify us of your decision at least 1.5 hours before your scheduled class time.
- If you decide to come out, we will assemble our teams, provide ground training, and be fully prepared to accommodate your skydive. If weather prohibits skydiving, we will assist you in rescheduling for a new class time or date, space permitting.

- Aviation weather forecasts and actual conditions are inconsistent.
- Local weather conditions suggest that there is a 50% chance that skydiving will be possible for this class time.
- Next Steps:
1. Decide if you want to come on out, get trained, and give it a try OR reschedule for a later class time or date, space permitting.
2. Contact us at 360.568.7703 to notify us of your decision at least 1.5 hours before your scheduled class time.
- If you decide to come out, we will assemble our teams, provide ground training, and be fully prepared to accommodate your skydive. If weather prohibits skydiving, we will assist you in rescheduling for a new class time or date, space permitting.

Reschedule Due To Weather
- Your class needs to be rescheduled due to weather.
- Please call us at 360.568.7703 to reschedule your skydive.
- Your deposit will remain on account for one year.
- Thanks for your patience. We promise it’s worth the wait!